Sunday, May 24, 2020

Mission Statement, Sales Policy, and Pricing

Mission Statement 

This post is going to tell you what we are and what we aren't.

What we are is a small 15 hole rabbitry striving to breed Rex rabbits to the S.O.P according to the NRRC (National Rex Rabbit Club).  Our focus is on Health first and foremost.  

Our second focus is Temperament.  Breeding rabbits is a relaxing hobby for me.  I work in an automotive factory and typically  work 6/7 days a week.  I enjoy playing with my rabbits, and having healthy friendly rabbits that are good mothers / easy breeders makes things so much more enjoyable. 

3rd priority is Type. Breeding the best typed rabbits as close to the standard of the Rex breed as possible shows respect for the breed and for the hobby.  That said, I am not a nationally ranked Rex breeder, nor do I aspire to be.  I do not show due to time constraints as well as the potential for health risks to my rabbits.  With only having 15 holes, if I were to take 5 rabbits to a show and those 5 rabbits got exposed to sickness at the show, that would wipe out 1/3 of my herd.  That's not a risk I'm willing to take.  That doesn't mean if I take a notion, and I've got time off work that I won't attend a show, but as a rule I don't show in person at this time.  That said, with the risks of RHDV, in person showing is changing and I do and will show virtually. 

4th is Fur.  Rex rabbits are a commercial breed, but also a fur breed and good fur is important.

5th is Color. Color is usually the first thing people notice about a rabbit, but it's actually one of the least important attributes.  It is however an important one and shouldn't be neglected, just properly prioritized! 

Sales Policy

No rabbits will be sold before 8 weeks and often 12 weeks or longer.  It takes time to grow rabbits out long enough to determine if we'll be keeping them to add to our breeding program. Sometimes a rabbit that isn't available at 8-10 weeks may become available at 16 weeks or 6 months, it all depends on how they grow and change.  

We do not guarantee any rabbits performance on the show table or the breeding barn. We have no way of knowing how a rabbit will perform for you or if they will breed for you.  We will be upfront about the flaws we see in a rabbit and will point out any DQ's that may be present, but if you are wanting to show, it is your responsibility as a buyer to educate yourself about the breed standard and to determine if a kit is something you want to add to your breeding program. That said, I will be brutally honest in evaluating a kit for you and would NEVER intentionally "oversell" a rabbit to you!

We do not offer a health guarantee.  Rabbits are delicate creatures and easily stressed which can cause them to become sick.  We do our very best to sell healthy rabbits but cannot guarantee them after they leave our care. It is the responsibility of the buyer to examine rabbit for health and or any DQ's before leaving with said rabbit.   Again, I cannot communicate enough how fragile rabbits can be.  You can literally have a healthy appearing rabbit at 8 am that is dead by noon. It happens. If you aren't prepared for the realities of raising/breeding rabbits perhaps you'd best reconsider the hobby.  I'm not trying to be rude, just real. :)

Now, all that said, I do enjoy hearing from buyers and encourage you to contact me via facebook messenger, commenting here, or email at  with any questions, comments, or concerns.  I have nothing to hide and enjoy talking rabbits.  I do work a lot, so give me time to respond. 

Pricing (Subject to Change)

Rex Jr's (under 6 months) start at $40.00 per rabbit.
Jr. Pairs start at $75.00
Jr. Rex Trio (any combination of sex) start at $100.00
Anything quantity over 3 will start at $25.00 each extra rabbit.  
For example - 5 rabbits = $150.00
I will occasionally have Rex Sr's for sale and they will be priced on an individual basis, depending on performance and quality.  I again want to say however, I am not a nationally ranked Rex breeder and my prices will reflect that. Most Sr's will be in the $50-$75.00 range.  

If you want to become a very serious and competitive Rex breeder, I urge you to join the National Rex Rabbit Club and to contact some of the nationally ranked breeders to purchase your stock from.  Attend some shows and talk to as many people as you can.  We are fortunate to live in an area with some outstanding breeders within easy driving distance.  I bought the best stock I could afford to get started with myself and yet there is always room to breed up so to speak.  As they say, winners aren't bought they are bred!  

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Our First Batch...

Velveeta’s due date came and passed, and we got nothing...

We decided to try again and see if this breeding yielded better results. I’ve always put a doe in with a buck twice, and this time I didn’t because he ended up breeding her three times. Lesson learned, always put her in twice!
This time, based on her hulking gut dragging her cage, and the eventual movement of her teeny bink-binks, we knew we had success!
Veeta is apparently the type to be doing laundry after her water breaks, because she started pulling fur like a madwoman and within the hour we had babies cleaned, fed, and tucked warmly into her nest box 
We didn’t do much that night, just checked to make sure the little ones were warm and there were no stillborn. 
The next afternoon we got everyone out, took a headcount, and took pictures of what all we have! 

She blessed us with eight beautiful and healthy babies! What a rockstar mom! I am unsure on colors, but we have placed our bets over on our Two Hot Messes Rabbitry Facebook page. I am holding out a lot of hope for a cream or lynx, I’ve always wanted one, so cross your fingers with me! Stay tuned for more pictures and updates! And a round of applause for our proud mama Velveeta! 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Starting the Herd

So I'm so very excited to introduce y'all to the start of our Rex program!

So very thankful to Emily Walker Hasty from Ruckus Ranch for the opportunity to purchase these beautiful animals.  So without further we go!

Ruckus Ranch Jill

Senior proven doe
Affectionately known as JillyB
Currently bred to Rory

MG's 99MG

Senior proven doe
Blue Otter
EmGee is my favorite!
Currently bred to Ruckus Ranch Poco, Chocolate Buck

Ruckus Ranch Dash

Senior proven doe
Broken Amber
Dasha has amazing fur.
Currently bred to Ruckus Ranch Peep
This picture shows what a difference knowing how to pose makes!  Emily knows, I do not! 

Ruckus Ranch Peep 

Senior proven buck
Broken Black
While Peep is low in the shoulder, his hindquarter is amazing.  He is also the widest rabbit I've ever seen.  He is a thick boy!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

We're Back!

So after a brief hiatus,  The Youngun and I are back in the rabbit game. Stay tuned for more!