Sunday, April 5, 2020

Our First Batch...

Velveeta’s due date came and passed, and we got nothing...

We decided to try again and see if this breeding yielded better results. I’ve always put a doe in with a buck twice, and this time I didn’t because he ended up breeding her three times. Lesson learned, always put her in twice!
This time, based on her hulking gut dragging her cage, and the eventual movement of her teeny bink-binks, we knew we had success!
Veeta is apparently the type to be doing laundry after her water breaks, because she started pulling fur like a madwoman and within the hour we had babies cleaned, fed, and tucked warmly into her nest box 
We didn’t do much that night, just checked to make sure the little ones were warm and there were no stillborn. 
The next afternoon we got everyone out, took a headcount, and took pictures of what all we have! 

She blessed us with eight beautiful and healthy babies! What a rockstar mom! I am unsure on colors, but we have placed our bets over on our Two Hot Messes Rabbitry Facebook page. I am holding out a lot of hope for a cream or lynx, I’ve always wanted one, so cross your fingers with me! Stay tuned for more pictures and updates! And a round of applause for our proud mama Velveeta!